Episode 08: Microdose on Building Your Social Muscle: How Practicing Social Skills Can Help You Tackle New and Challenging Relationships on Campus
Social skills are like muscles. Just because you do not have the skills yet doesn’t mean anything except you need to build up your muscle.
Episode 06: Microdose on Values: How Knowing Your Values Can Help You with Indecision in Relationships
Building Your Social Muscle
Episode 05: 2 Tried and True Ways to Combat Socially Anxious Thoughts
Don’t let anxious thoughts get in the way of your ability to socialize in college.
Episode 04: Why It Can Be Hard to Find Your People, And Keep Them ( Five Interpersonal Effectiveness Obstacles)
Making friends in college is HARD! Learn ways to manage obstacles to making and keeping friends.
Episode 03: Finding Balance in the Extremes: Part 2 (Dialectics)
Part 2 of Dialectics- tune in and move away from the extremes and get more in touch with your wise mind.
Episode 02: Finding Balance in the Extremes: Part 1 (Dialectics)
Sometimes the hardest part about college is figuring out how to balance it all. How do you focus on school and have fun with friends at the same time? Tune into this episode to hear more about “Dialectics” and how you can apply this to your college life.
Episode 01: Expectations and Realities (Beginner’s Mind)
College students enter college with a lot of expectations of how things “should” be and are thrown off when things look a lot differently when you step on campus.