Episode 02: Finding Balance in the Extremes: Part 1 (Dialectics)


College is a time of extremes. Incredible freedom and intense pressure. Loving your independence and missing pieces of home. So many new people to meet, yes! And so many new people to meet, nooooo! In this episode we talk to "K," a rising junior at a liberal arts college who describes how she's trying to find balance in some of these extremes. We'll teach you about dialectics, the idea that two seemingly opposite truths can be occurring within you at the same time. We'll share some of the most common dialectics people struggle with in college: 1) I want to try new things and I want to remember who I am. 2) I'm excited to be hear and I'm terrified to be here. 3) I should be living in the moment and I should be preparing for my future. 4) I need to push myself out of my comfort zone and I need to stick to my core values. 5) I need to go out / hook up and I need to take care of my body. We'll share tips on how to find balance in these extremes so that you can use your own internal compass to make the right choices for you. If you liked this episode, make sure to subscribe so you can be the first to know about new episodes. We'd also love to hear from you! Let us know what dialectics we might have missed, or tell us some ways you've been able to find balance in your college extremes.


Episode 03: Finding Balance in the Extremes: Part 2 (Dialectics)


Episode 01: Expectations and Realities (Beginner’s Mind)