How to Practice P.O.I.S.E. When Things Get Tough
By now most of your finals are over, and hopefully you are making plans for a fun summer. We wanted to end this season with a microdose episode that will get you through any tough moments you may have over the summer and to keep in your mind when you get back on campus in the fall. Whether you are going through a break-up, disappointed with your semester grades or confused about your future career, using effective coping skills will help you weather the emotional storm. You might not be in control of the tough times, but you have a choice in how they impact the way you feel. In this microdose episode we introduce the P.O.I.S.E. skill to your toolkit for when things get challenging:
Observe your thoughts, feelings, and action urges
Inhale and exhale
Stretch out your options
Effective action replaces emotional reaction