Episode 09: Microdose on Being Effective: How Practicing Acceptance Can Help You Be Skillful When the Enviornment is Too Powerful

We often predict that our college years are finally going to be the time that we have the ability to be fully autonomous.  And while the transition to college is filled with unregulated freedom, college students still face challenging social situations that make them feel powerless. 

Maybe a professor is unwilling to be flexible with a request you are making, or your roommate is unwilling to problem solve ways you can have friends over in your room.  There are tons of challenging situations that come up in college where the power of the environment is too great and we have exhausted all efforts to solve the problem.

In this episode, Liz teaches you ways to be effective when environmental factors are barriers to getting what you want out of relationships.  Liz introduces the concept of effectiveness and how practicing acceptance can help you manage power imbalances in relationships. Learn how to scan your mind for ineffective thoughts, practice acceptance with your face and body, and act in a more willing way.  


Episode 10: Take It Or Leave It:


Episode 08: Microdose on Building Your Social Muscle: How Practicing Social Skills Can Help You Tackle New and Challenging Relationships on Campus