Type C Personality: Do You Set Yourself on Fire to Keep Others Warm

We’ve all heard of the Type A personality. We can picture that assertive go-getter pretty easily. Type B? Imagine that laid-back friend who can let things go. But did you know there is also a Type C? Well, there is, and our guests Dr. Kore Nissenson and Anna White are here to shine a light on it. 

It is a wonderful thing to be a good friend, to help someone in need, and to consider others’ feelings. When this goes too far, it can start to feel like a heavy load to carry all of this compassion. At the extremes of being thoughtful, you can run headlong into being a chronic people pleaser, someone who always puts others needs ahead of their own. But how do you know when being kind or easygoing has shifted too far?

Luckily, Anna and Dr. Nissenson have created the Type C Toolbox. They are here to tell you more about what Type C is and how to keep the compassion without exhausting yourself in the process. 

You’ll learn:

*What Type C personality traits are

*How to distinguish Type C burnout from common stress

*Strategies to strengthen your boundaries and self-care


Type C ToolBox Website


Coping Tools Cheatsheet Link:


Type C Toolbox Podcast



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